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Nexus 310 Pond Filter System ready for delivery to our customer

Nexus 310 Pond Filter

We have just inspected and got ready the Nexus 310 Pond Filter system ready for delivery to our customer. The Nexus Pond filters from Evolution Aqua have revolutionised the way ponds are filtered with the combined mechanical and biological filtration that creates a high performance filter system for all sizes of ponds. Combine both the industry proven Kaldnes Moving Bed coupled with the exceptional New Eazy mechanical filter. This combined filter system provides outstanding water clarity and quality and extremely easy to service and clean.There really is no competition in price and what can be achieved using these range of pond filters. Comes complete with 100 litres of media with the Nexus 310


We are now pleased to offer the FULL range of Nexus pond filters and Easy pods at Aquahome. We even have a live demo model we can talk you through. These really are as simple as pond filtration gets whilst being one of the most advanced cutting edge filtration technologies currently available. We can talk you through which size would be best for your pond and show you how these simple pod systems work. Eazy pods start from only £399

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